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Membership Requirements

If, after reviewing the requirements below, you believe you are qualified and you are interested in pursuing membership in BUSC, feel free to inquire.


Active Members. 

Active Membership is available to men and women who satisfy one of the following criteria:

  1. Service in the Armed Forces of a member nation of the British Commonwealth
  2. Service in the Consular or Diplomatic Corps of a member nation of the British Commonwealth
  3. Awarded a decoration by the Crown
  4. Service in the Armed Forces of an allied nation attached to or under the direct command of a member nation of the British Commonwealth
  5. Lineal descendants of Active Members
  6. A citizen or subject of Great Britain or British Commonwealth nation serving or who served in the Armed Forces of the United States

Associate Members.

Associate Membership is available to:

  1. Current or past British or Commonwealth subjects and citizens who have not served in the Armed Forces
  2. Service in the federal Armed Forces of the United States
  3. Persons determined to be desirable as members by reason of their standing in the community

The Membership Process

Attend Club Meetings as a Guest of a Member

Membership is by invitation only. An invitation will be extended only after the prospective member is invited to Club meetings by a current member and properly introduced. We encourage prospective members to meet as many of the members of the Club as possible and Members should have ample opportunity to meet and become familiar with the prospective member. This generally means that the prospective member should plan to attend at least two meetings before being proposed for full membership in BUSC.

If you are not acquainted with a member of BUSC but believe you may be qualified and are interested in joining, click here to CONTACT US A qualified representative will reply directly to you to discuss your eligibility. Pending this initial contact you will then be invited to attend a mess night as the guest of a current member who will then assist you to pursue full membership in BUSC.

Member Recruiting

A prospective member must be proposed by two members of the Club in good standing (one of whom may be an Associate Member), each of whom, together with the prospective member, must complete and submit a Proposal for Membership for consideration by the Executive Committee (EC).

The prospective member must furnish his/her sponsor with acceptable evidence of eligibility for membership, as appropriate, such as a copy of commissioning orders, discharge orders, citations, awards and/or decorations. These exhibits must be attached to the Proposal for Membership when the sponsor(s) submit it to the Honorary Secretary for consideration by the EC.

Review & Approval

Once BUSC members have had a chance to meet a prospective member during at least two of its social meetings and the EC has considered a proposal for membership in the Club, the candidate may then be formally installed and recognized with credentials at the next dinner event.

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